
Called Out: Lessons from More Women of the Lord’s church

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Lessons from More Women of the Lord’s church

31 Days of Women from Scripture

Volume 2

Day 26

Join us for the sequel to last year's popular study about women from Scripture. Learn more about the women God gave us as examples.

Called Out

Day Twenty-Six: More Lessons from Women of the Lord’s church

As has been pointed out throughout this study, the Bible is not lacking in praise for women. We also see women held accountable for their sins equally as men.

Today’s lesson will not look deeply at one woman. I want to take note of several women. In 31 Day of Women from Scripture Volume 1, there is a lesson that looks at Women of the Lord’s church. Today, let’s look at a few more.


Phoebe in Romans 16:1-2 we are told that Phoebe is a Christian (“our sister”), that she is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, and she has been a helper to many, as well as to Paul. Paul wants to make certain that she is received “in a manner worthy of the saints” and that any help she needs is provided.


In Romans 16:6 Paul says, “Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you.” The “you” would be the brethren in Rome. Paul specifically remembers her and the help she has given in that locale.

Julia & Nereus’ sister

Julia and Nereus’ sister are both mentioned in Romans 16:15 as ones who are working with a group of brethren in Rome.



Nympha is mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:15 along with the church that meets in her house.


In 2 Timothy 4:21 Paul mentions Claudia as one who is with him who sends her greetings to Timothy along with other brethren traveling with Paul.


Apphia is addressed by Paul along with Philemon, Archippus, and the church in Philemon’s house in Philemon 1:2.

Not a lot is said about any of these women. But their names being mentioned should stand out to us.

Consider Hebrews 11. A chapter full of names of people who showed obedient faith in their lives. In verses 32-38, the writer, indicates that those listed are but a few who could have been named.

The naming of them gives us a place to focus our learning. We go back and match up those events with the history given in scripture and we learn how God wants us to live (1 Cor. 10:11). They stand out to us because they were named.

Also, consider Rahab and Ruth in Matthew 1. Genealogies typically list descendants by the names of the father. So, for God to make sure that Rahab and Ruth (both non-Israelites) were included in the genealogy of our Lord makes a point. Five women are named in that list – Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary the mother of Jesus. There was a mother for every one of the men listed, but God highlighted these five. Their names being there gives us reason to go back and learn more about them.

Now, with the women in today’s lesson, there is nothing to go back and learn about them. We have only what is given in the mentions by Paul.

We can be confident that his mentioning them in a good light, means they were of much help to Paul and supporting the gospel. Paul very much appreciated those who extended much effort for the Lord (Phil. 2:19-30). So, even when he may not give details like he did for Phoebe, the mere mention of these women tells us they were of benefit to Paul and to the kingdom.

You may ask, “Well, so what do I do with that information?”.  Quite simply, you try to be like them.

Not serving so that you will be praised by men (Mt. 6:1; Mt. 23:5-7). Serving so that you will be told, “Well done, good and faithful servant” by God the Father on the day of Judgment (Mt. 25:23).

Serving so that those who learn of your effort are encouraged to higher efforts of their own (2 Cor. 8:7,13-15; 2 Cor. 9:13-15; Heb. 10:23-25).

Being free with the blessings you’ve been given so others can focus their efforts on spiritual work (Luke 8:3).

These women opened their homes. They worked with their hands. They prayed (Acts 12:12). They gave of their means.

Each of these women found ways to serve. They did not need to be given an “office”. They just served. They gave their lives as a sacrifice (Rom. 12:1-2). And it was such that Paul was encouraged by them and sought to honor them and encourage others by mentioning them.

Today, pray to God for help to see the opportunities for you to serve.

Being one of the called out (the church, 1 Pet. 2:9) is not about seeing your name in print. It’s about being thankful for having been given the means to be an heir equal with Christ (Rom. 8:17).

To be like these women: live it like you mean it!


Click here to get a complimentary lesson from our “31 Days of Women from Scripture Volume 2”, “Reach Out. Lessons from the Woman with an issue of blood”.

If you would like to follow the rest of the #write31days challenge series click here – 31 Days of Women from Scripture Volume 2

If you are interested in the first 31 Days of Women series – click here – 31 Days of Women from Scripture

Join us for the sequel to last year's popular study about women from Scripture. Learn more about the women God gave us as examples.

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