
Song of Solomon – part 1; To Be a Handmaid of the Lord: Lesson 23

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Song of Solomon part 1

To Be a Handmaid of the Lord

Lesson 23

Song of Solomon Part 1


Song of Solomon is one of my favorite Bible studies. There are several differing opinions about the story that is being told. 

Some teach that this is Solomon and his first wife.

Some teach that this is a love story that is meant as an allegory for Christ and His bride, the Lord’s church.

Others teach, as I do, that this is a love story about a young woman who must choose between the love she knows, she calls him her Beloved, and King Solomon to whom she has been brought as a possible addition to his already large harem (Song of Solomon 6:8). In this point of view, Song of Solomon can

In this point of view, Song of Solomon teaches that sexual love is something to be readily anticipated, but that it remains rightful only within the bounds of marriage. It teaches that a young woman needs to understand the men who pay attention to her and be wise in understanding their motives.

The Shulamite (the young woman in this story) is likely from the country and she speaks of things in country ways, comparing beautiful things to natural beauty like mountains, trees, and flowers. Solomon and those around him speak in a city style of voice. They talk about beauty in terms of ownership and things created by men – horses, chariots, towers, jewelry, etc.

In my opinion, this material is something that does not need to be taught to children under the age of twelve. As a parent, you can obviously make that decision for yourself. However, the material is written to be modest and respectful of the topic for teaching to a group that might include twelve-year-olds and older. An older group might go into more detail or discuss aspects that will not be discussed with a younger person.  In this way, the material is excellent for introducing the ideas of respect for the intimate relationship of marriage and proper dating attitudes in a general sense for those who are not yet ready for such relationships while also being something totally appropriate and modest for older men and women who are ready for marriage and need to understand the correct way to view the sexual relationship. I know 

I know many people who are afraid to study this book. It has been turned into a “sex” book by some, therefore making vulgar what should be beautiful. They have attached sensual concepts to the relationship between Christ and the church, which we instinctively know is not correct because those things were condemned when they were part of idol worship. Others just feel uncomfortable with the subject matter altogether.

Song of Solomon, when taught respectively and with a view to other teachings in scripture, should leave us blushing because of the things referenced, but not embarrassed. A well-built modesty will recognize that these things are not to be discussed frivolously, but they can be looked on as good things.

There is a time and a place for such discussions. The level of detail depends upon those who are studying at the time. Not all information needs to be shared in all instances. God is very good at being clear while also being modest and subtle! Follow His lead and do the same.

OK – enough of that – I explain more about my point of view and give scripture to back it up in other places. If you are ready to explore this book, download the PDF or DOC version below, open your Bible and let God teach you what He would have you learn about a healthy view of sex before and after marriage.

If you are ready to explore this book, download the PDF or DOC version below, open your Bible and let God teach you what He would have you learn about a healthy view of sex before and after marriage.

Download a PDF of Lesson 23 – Song of Solomon part 1

Download a DOC of Lesson 23 – Song of Solomon part 1


Click here for the complete Bible Study “To Be a Handmaid of the Lord” 





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  1. Actually this is a much more readable format after I did a Ctl+ to make it fit my very old, large screen. I like the new appearance a lot better.

    1. Thanks! I keep trying to find a theme that allows more of the posts to show on the home page but also have the menus the way I like them. I get bored with things being the same until I get it exactly like I want it. 🙂

    2. Let me know what you think now Beth – I made a logo and changed some of the font colors. I needed to OWN the look. 🙂

  2. blank Lisa Rhodes says:

    I’m not able to download or see the study… can someone help?

    1. Hi Lisa!

      I’m traveling so can’t fix the DOC link. The PDF link for the lesson is working but may be having trouble in another browser. Send me a message via the https://thediligentwoman.com/contact/ and I can email it directly to you.

      I didn’t want to presume to email you from the comment. 😉

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